Introducing Hair Extensions


Nano bonds are a discreet way of fitting singular strands of hair to your own hair using no chemicals or heat. A tiny root coloured bond is used to clamp the extension to a small section of your own hair to hold in place for up to 6-8 weeks.

Come in for a free consultation to colour match and assess the hair type before choosing the length, thickness and colour for your hair extensions. From there we will require a pre-payment for your hair only (like a deposit) before we place an order for your hair through the direct website or store. From then this hair is yours. Then a separate price will be charged for your fitting on the day of fitting.

You can choose your extensions colour, based on your natural hair colour or artificial colour you have on your hair OR you can add extensions to add colours into your hair without the need of bleaching or colouring your real hair to keep your hair in the most prime condition.

Aftercare is THE most important part of getting your extensions fitted. The benefits being keeping your own hair in the best condition it can be and maintaining the health and length of the extensions themselves. Also, by keeping regular maintenance and good aftercare you will ensure the most out of your hair extensions and they will stay in better in-between appointments and less will slip out. Regular maintenance must be carried out for nano bonds 6-8 weeks.


Aftercare Advice:

Brushing- When hair is wet brush softly with a wide tooth comb, when hair is dry use a specialist hair extension brush (soft) and always hold extensions by the top and brush the bottom first and work your way up to the top.

Washing- Condition mid lengths and ends only, never roots otherwise bonds will slip. Wash hair uprights (not bent over bath/sink. Pat hair dry, don’t rub.

Drying- Use heat protect always. Don’t use a hot setting on the bonds as can weaken them. Avoid excessive pulling. Don’t allow them to dry naturally or rough dry the extensions. ALWAYS blow dry.

Holidays/Sunbeds- Cover hair in extreme UV. Try not to get hair wet in sea or pool water. Be aware extensions may feel dry due to different water types abroad. Blonde hair may go slightly discoloured due to chlorine/ sun creams.